Friday, 16 October 2020


 WALT/I am learning to play football/soocer and become the best 

 the two brothers follow there mission too become the best footballer ever

In number four/4 we Xavier

 In number ten we have Quinn
Reflection every time I play If i'm hurt i'll still play and do my best 
Sources you need to play football at least 2 players 2 goals seat up at the exact same leanth
A refree if you don't know how to play and hopefully he will tell you how to play or you can just pick up how to play when your playing and last but not least A Football
What sport do you play and enjoy? What do you like about the sport that you like?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Quinn
    I think it's awesome that you and your brother want to be the best soccer players there has ever been. Maybe in your next blog reread the writing and add some punctuation. For a sport I play rugby it's fun to smash into people and to tackle people them. Do you and your brother play soccer for a sport?`


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