Thursday, 26 September 2019

How To Sign Out

Do you want to know how to sign out,you just have to do ctrl shift qq
If you were to do a chrome book tip what would you do?

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Go New Zealand

In 2015 the All Blacks are battling against Australia for the world cup.

Mum waked me up something around 2´oclock in the morning and said¨get out of bed Quinn she whispered to me because Xavier my brother was asleep,so I got out of my as quietly as I could to not wake Xavier I went into the lounge and saw New Zealand and Australia on TV for the world cup!Me and mum watched the whole game.At the very last second Xavier woke up and saw the final play.The All Blacks won!Next time in 2019 I wonder who would win and how much teams would enter the world cup?

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Caring For The Envierment

This week our virtue is Caring,so we could plant trees for the animals and us,so I can also climb trees!

Monday, 23 September 2019


 On the 30/8/19 Hannah {Zeb's Mum} came over from Inquiry,we talked about flipping our lids and we read a book called Aroha ways and also talk about ways how to not flip our lids but also about super hero poses! I know it sounds crazy a little bit right.If you had a super hero pose what would it be?

saying thank you

Saying thank you is respectful it is using your manners

How to zoom in on your chromebook

In room 4 we are learning to write instructions one shortcut,I choose to do how to zoom in on a chrome book we also made a goggle drawing.
My favourite part was making the video.because I had never done it.
I found hard trying to make a video because I had never taken a video on my chrome book.
if you were to do a shortcut what would you do?

Tuesday, 17 September 2019


Reconciliation is one of the seven sacraments it is when you get forgiven for your sins enjoy my presentation.

 it is important to forgive to just get on with it and not make a big deal about it.

what do you think it means ?

How To Play Pokemon

We are learning to write clear instructions.
To write clear instructions you need to include the 
date,Title,goal,materials,method,bossy words, built points/time connectors.
Enjoy my presentation.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Escape The Room

We are learning to work as a team to solve problems,
today on Friday 6/9/2019 we tried to escape the room with your team to achieve getting out we had to find and do 7 clues and sheets of work to get out then we could see the ninjas.{just imagine it}The sheets were based on emotions,there was a secret code to be able to get out without cheating.What worked out pretty good was that we worked as a team and everyone got some thing to do and we had really good hunting skills so that's how we got out we need to improve focus on one thing at a time.Our goal is to try our best.Have you ever tried to escape somewhere?Image result for emotion balls

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Why Its Important To Follow Instructions

Why is it important to follow instructions when you are try to make something like LEGO all wise you might not get the same thing you were thinking of making so that's why you should follow instructions.To make instructions you need to make it simple,you also need to get the equipment you need to make it, sometimes you can number it or do paragraphs.It might be hard depending how simple and it might be easy also depending on how simple it is.